
Members of the Telecommunications group:

Brett N. Anderson

Kira M. Slawson


Blackburn & Stoll has three attorneys specializing in telecommunications law.  The firm currently represents most of the rural independent telephone companies in Utah and several competitive local exchange carriers in regulatory matters before the Utah Public Service Commission.  Blackburn & Stoll assists clients with both regulated and non-regulated telecommunications services, such as local and long distance telephone service, cable service, high speed internet, broadband, voice over internet protocol (VoIP) service, internet protocol television (IPTV), cellular/wireless service, spectrum acquisition, tandem switching, fiber optic networks, and statewide circuit sales.  Blackburn & Stoll also provides general business services to its telecommunications clients, including contract drafting and negotiation, entity formation, employment advice, assistance with real estate matters (including rights of way negotiations), municipal franchise drafting and negotiation, and commercial disputes.

At Blackburn & Stoll, we strive to serve our clients by the most technologically and cost effective means possible including email, teleconferencing and webinars.